- Acasă
- Set fixare distributie BMW N62, N73 - ZT-04A2278 - SMANN TOOLS.
Descrierea produsului
Set fixare distributie BMW N62, N73 - ZT-04A2278 - SMANN TOOLS.
Suitable for the following BMW models:
E60, E61, E63, E64, E65, E66, E53, 540i, 545i, 550i, 645i, 650i, 735i, 740i, 745i, 750i, 760i, X5
Major Applications:
Make- Model- Year Range.
BMW- 745li- 2002 - 2005.
BMW- 545- 2004 - 2005.
BMW-760- 2003 - 2008.
BMW-750- 2006 - 2009.
BMW- 650- 2006 - 2010.
BMW- 550- 2006 - 2010.
With engines:
N62 - B40A / B44A / B48B 2003-2010
N62 - B44A / B48B 2003-2010
N62 - B36A / B40A / B44A / B48B
N73 - B60A 2002-2008
N62 - B44A / B48A 2003-2007
Includes the following tools:
Flywheel locking tool.
Inlet camshaft locking tool.
Exhaust camshaft locking tool to be used as OEM tools: 119190, 119461, 119462, 119463.
BMW N62/ N73 master cam and crank timing set.
BMW master timing set for N62 / N73 motors.
Kit includes crankshaft wrench, angle indicator, 27mm socket, chain tensioner and cam alignment holder and locking pin.
Informaţii adiţionale
Informaţii adiţionale
SKU No | ZT-04A2278 |
Manufacturer | SMANN TOOLS |
Etichetele produsului
Etichetele produsului
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- Set blocare distributie BMW (70)
- Blocaje distributie (377)
- Blocaj ax cu came motoare pentru (463)
- Blocaj (470)
- Fixare distributie, (379)
- Blocaj distributie (386)
- Distributie (383)
- Cale Distributie (371)
- Scule reglaje distribuţie (376)
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Produse asociate
Set fixare distribuţie BMW - M40, M43, M42, M44, M50, M52, M54, M56 DOHC( E30 To E85 - ZR-36ETTSB33 -ZIMBER TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 229,30 €
Special Price 198,30 €
Trusa pentru montarea si demontarea sistemului Valvetronic BMW N42/N46/N46t - (ZR-36ETTSB05 ) - ZIMBЕR-TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 219,80 €
Special Price 99,80 €
Set fixare distributie BMW - M52, M54, M56, ZT-05193- SMANN TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 139,80 €
Special Price 109,90 €
Preţ obişnuit: 129,80 €
Special Price 114,80 €
Set fixare distributie BMW (S65), ZR-36ETTSB66 - ZIMBER TOOLS
Preţ obişnuit: 158,60 €
Special Price 127,60 €
Set reglaj ax cu came BMW -116i (E87), 316Ci (E46), 316i (E46), 316ti (E46) N40, N45 B16, N45T (ZT-04538) - SMANN TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 69,90 €
Special Price 59,80 €
Set Fixare Distributie BMW N51-N52 (2.3I 2.5I,2.8 I 3.0I,3.5I) ZR-41PETTSB0601 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 109,80 €
Special Price 89,80 €
Set fixare distributie BMW - N20,N26, ZR-36ETTSB64 - ZIMBER-TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 249,80 €
Special Price 199,80 €
Set fixare distribuţie BMW M60, M62 - VANOS, ZT-04A2128 - SMANN TOOLS
Preţ obişnuit: 197,80 €
Special Price 149,80 €
Set fixare distributie BMW N63,S63,N74, V8 X6 550i 750i - ZR-36ETTSB74 - ZIMBER TOOLS
Preţ obişnuit: 249,80 €
Special Price 199,80 €
Poate veţi fi de asemenea interesat(ă) în următorul(ele) produs(e)

Set fixare distributie BMW - M47- M57, Land Rover MG si Vauxhall-Opel, ZR-36ETTSB12- ZIMBER TOOLS

Set fixare distribuţie BMW - M40, M43, M42, M44, M50, M52, M54, M56 DOHC( E30 To E85 - ZR-36ETTSB33 -ZIMBER TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 229,30 €
Special Price 198,30 €

Trusa pentru montarea si demontarea sistemului Valvetronic BMW N42/N46/N46t - (ZR-36ETTSB05 ) - ZIMBЕR-TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 219,80 €
Special Price 99,80 €

Set fixare distributie BMW - M52, M54, M56, ZT-05193- SMANN TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 139,80 €
Special Price 109,90 €

Preţ obişnuit: 129,80 €
Special Price 114,80 €

Set fixare distributie BMW (S65), ZR-36ETTSB66 - ZIMBER TOOLS
Preţ obişnuit: 158,60 €
Special Price 127,60 €

Trusa de Fixare Distributie "Diesel" BMW - OPEL - ROVER - LANDROVER 13.buc - ZIMBER-TOOLS, ZR-36ETTSB04.

Set fixare distributie BMW - M47- M57, Land Rover MG si Vauxhall-Opel, ZT-04172 - SMANN TOOLS

Set reglaj ax cu came BMW -116i (E87), 316Ci (E46), 316i (E46), 316ti (E46) N40, N45 B16, N45T (ZT-04538) - SMANN TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 69,90 €
Special Price 59,80 €