- Acasă
- Set Fixare Distributie - BMW M52, M54, M56 ZR-36ETTSB40 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Descrierea produsului
Set Fixare Distributie - BMW M52, M54, M56,M60, M62, ZR-36ETTSB40 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Modele BMW:
- 320 E46 - 323 E46 - 325 E46
- 328 E46 - 330 E46 - 520 E39
- 520 E60 - 520 E39 - 523 E39
- 525 E39 - 525 E60 - 528 E39
- 530 E34 - 540 E34 - 535 E39
- 530 E39 - 530 E60 - 728 E38
- 730 E65 - 730 E35 - 730 E32
- 735 E38 - 740 E32 - 740 E38
- X3 E83 - X5 E53 - Z3 - Z4 E85
- Camshaft Adjusting Tool (M52, M54)
to be used as OEM 11 6 150
- Vanos Tool (M52, M54)
to be used as OEM 11 3 450
- Camshaft Adjusting Tool Cyl. 1-4 (M60, M62)
to be used as OEM 11 2 445 / OEM 11 2 441
- Camshaft Adjusting Tool Cyl. 5-8 (M60, M62)
to be used as OEM 11 2 442 / OEM 11 2 446
- Chain Tensioner (M52, M54)
to be used as OEM 11 4 220
- Chain Tensioner (M60, M62)
to be used as OEM 11 4 230
- Crankshaft Adjusting Tool
to be used as OEM 11 2 300
- Adaptor (M52, M54)
Tensioner Pin (M60, M62)
Informaţii adiţionale
Informaţii adiţionale
SKU No | ZR-36ETTSB40 |
Manufacturer | ZIMBER-TOOLS |
Etichetele produsului
Etichetele produsului
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- Blocator distributie BMW (62)
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Produse asociate
Set fixare distributie BMW - M52, M54, M56, ZT-05193- SMANN TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 139,80 €
Special Price 109,90 €
Cheie demontat pompa injectie diesel BMW -M47, LAND Rover/ 75-ZR-36M47D- ZIMBER TOOLS
Preţ obişnuit: 18,90 €
Special Price 16,90 €
Set fixare distribuţie BMW - M40, M43, M42, M44, M50, M52, M54, M56 DOHC( E30 To E85 - ZR-36ETTSB33 -ZIMBER TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 229,30 €
Special Price 198,30 €
Poate veţi fi de asemenea interesat(ă) în următorul(ele) produs(e)

Set fixare distributie BMW - M47- M57, Land Rover MG si Vauxhall-Opel, ZR-36ETTSB12- ZIMBER TOOLS

Cheie demontat pompa injectie diesel BMW -VP44 - M47 / M47T2 / M47TU / M57 / M57TU, ZR-36DIPPB - ZIMBER-TOOLS

Set fixare distributie BMW - M52, M54, M56, ZT-05193- SMANN TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 139,80 €
Special Price 109,90 €

Set Fixare Distributie BMW - M40, M42, M50, M52, M60, M62, M70, M73, ZR-36ETTSB30 - ZIMBER TOOLS

Cheie demontat pompa injectie diesel BMW -M47, LAND Rover/ 75-ZR-36M47D- ZIMBER TOOLS
Preţ obişnuit: 18,90 €
Special Price 16,90 €

Set fixare distribuţie BMW - M40, M43, M42, M44, M50, M52, M54, M56 DOHC( E30 To E85 - ZR-36ETTSB33 -ZIMBER TOOLS.
Preţ obişnuit: 229,30 €
Special Price 198,30 €

Set fixare distributie BMW - M47- M57, Land Rover MG si Vauxhall-Opel, ZT-04172 - SMANN TOOLS