- Acasă
- Scule De Tras Si Impins
- Presa arcuri supapa
- Trusa profesionala pentru demontat si montat arcurile de la supapa- ZT-04А2291 - SMANN TOOLS
Descrierea produsului
Trusa pentru demontat si montat iarcurile de la supapa UNIVERSAL- ZT-04А2291 - SMANN TOOLS.
Universal Valve Spring Oil & Stem Seal Valve Rod Remover Installer Mercedes, Bmw Vag..
Replace valve spring and oil seal of valve rod on car, without removing head gasket. suitable for assembly and disassembly of valve springs and replacement of valve stem seals on cars, without removing the cylinder head. Works great in the narrow engine room. valves are closed by pressurized air, and can not fall down into the combustion chamber. Special design helps compress valve spring regardless of firewall barrier.
Apply for European, American, and Japanese cars. Such as Benz, BMW, Volvo, Toyota Tercel, Mitsubishi Savrin, VW, Ford Etc.
Especially suitable on Benz V6 Engine and BMW V8 Engine.
Application engine model:
Benz M102, M103, M104, M111, 112, M113, M271, M272.
BMW N42, N52, N62, M54, M52, M56, M60.
Informaţii adiţionale
Informaţii adiţionale
SKU No | ZT-04A2291 |
Manufacturer | SMANN TOOLS |
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Produse asociate
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