Descrierea produsului
Tensiometru universal pentru curele de distributie, ZR-36UTG-B - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Este un tensiometru universal potrivit pentru curele de ditributie cu diferite latimi. Tensiunea curelei de distributie se poate masura in Nm cu ajutorul tabelului de valori sau in unitatile de masura specificate de fabricantul marci auto utilizand tabelul de echivalente. Engine Cambelt Tension Gauge Cam Belt Tester, ZR-36UTG - ZIMBER TOOLS. This tension gauge is for adjusting the tension of drive belts on various serpentine and camshaft belt thicknesses. Adjustable dual scale graduations (Nm) readable from front and back of tool. Made from hardened steel with a smooth rolling screw action and knurled grip edge for maximum grip and durability. Made by professionals for professionals. Specification. Smooth rolling screw action. Readable from front and back of tool. knurled grip. Read in Nm. Length (approx): 85-mm - 100-mm. Width: 80-mm.