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Set presa bucsi pentru diferential spate VAG VW, POLO AUDI ,SEAT - ZT-04B2080 - SMANN TOOLS.

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 Set presa bucsi pentru diferential spate VAG VW, POLO AUDI ,SEAT  - ZT-04B2080 - SMANN TOOLS.
Special designed SMANN tool to remove the front suspension bushes on Volkswagen Polo from 2002.

Availability: În inventar

34,90 €
SKU No: ZT-04B2080
34,90 €

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Descrierea produsului


 Set presa bucsi pentru diferential spate VAG VW, POLO AUDI ,SEAT  - ZT-04B2080 - SMANN TOOLS.
Special tool for replacing the front suspension bushes on Volkswagen Polo from 2002 onwards.
Replacements are available for which are considered consumable.
Applicable: VW, POLO 2002 later.

This tool makes it possible to service these bushes on the vehicle without removing the axle and brake system, thereby saving significant time and effort.
Typically the old bush is removed by cutting or burning out the rubber and then slitting or hammering out the bearing shell.
This tool is for certain bushes on certain polo's & others I do not know exactly which bushes this fits. As a busy garage we will take vw tools from the stores and use whichever fits.
This tool is then used to press the new bushing into place.
This can be done on the vehicle and does not require removing the axle to allow access to a traditional press.

Informaţii adiţionale

Informaţii adiţionale

SKU No ZT-04B2080
Manufacturer Nu


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