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Trusa blocaje distributie pentru motoare Ford, Volvo 1.6gtdi, 1.6 SCTi/Ti-VCT EcoBoost - ZR-36ETTS273 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Trusa blocaje distributie pentru motoare Ford, Volvo 1.6gtdi, 1.6 SCTi/Ti-VCT EcoBoost - ZR-36ETTS273 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Additional Information.
Volvo engines: 1.6gtdi
Ford engines: 1.6 SCTi/Ti-VCT Ecoboost petrol
Includes: Ford B-Max/C-Max/Focus/Galaxy/Grand C-Max/Mondeo/S-Max
Volvo: S60/S80/V60/V70

Availability: Epuizat(ă)

67,60 €
SKU No: ZR-36ETTS273

Descrierea produsului


Trusa blocaje distributie pentru motoare Ford, Volvo 1.6 EcoBoost - Belt Drive - ZR-36ETTS273 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Additional Information
Volvo engines: 1.6gtdi
Ford engines: 1.6 SCTi/Ti-VCT Ecoboost petrol
Includes: Ford B-Max/C-Max/Focus/Galaxy/Grand C-Max/Mondeo/S-Max
Volvo: S60/S80/V60/V70
Ford’s new high-efficiency petrol turbocharged direct injection engines offer reduced emissions, increased fuel economy and better performance, therefore vastly increased accuracy is necessary in the timed relationship between the crankshaft and camshafts of this engine. Accordingly the starting point must always be the initial set up (or timing) — accuracy is critical and technicians or even the home mechanic carrying out repairs that require disruption of the engine timing, need to be sure that they have a safe and effective method of resetting to the manufacturer’s specification.
Laser’s new timing kit includes the crankshaft locking tool, the camshaft sprocket locking tool, the crankshaft pulley alignment tool and the tensioner pulley locking pin. Specifically designed for the 1.6 litre EcoBoost engines in Ford B-Max, C-Max, Focus, Galaxy, Grand C-Max, Mondeo and S-Max models and Volvo S60, S80, V60 and V70.

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Manufacturer ZIMBER-TOOLS


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