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Torque Wrench | 12.5 mm (1/2") | 60 - 330 Nm -2829 - BGS technic.

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Torque Wrench | 12.5 mm (1/2") | 60 - 330 Nm -2829

Suitable for tightening to set torque for screwed connections with right-hand thread Reversible ratchet with narrow head shape
Ratchet mechanism, reversible fine tooth, 72 teeth
Easy locking and unlocking at the handle
lasered line scale with fine adjustment for the respective setting value optimally designed serrated steel handle for easy setting of the desired torque value,
as well as a secure grip of the tool handle clearly audible release signal comes in a round, screwable plastic box fine scale: 1.5 Nm trigger clockwise: yes trigger counter clockwise: no

Availability: În inventar

102,90 €
SKU No: ZB-2829
102,90 €

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Descrierea produsului


Torque Wrench | 12.5 mm (1/2") | 60 - 330 Nm -2829

Suitable for tightening to set torque for screwed connections with right-hand thread Reversible ratchet with narrow head shape
Ratchet mechanism, reversible fine tooth, 72 teeth
Easy locking and unlocking at the handle
lasered line scale with fine adjustment for the respective setting value optimally designed serrated steel handle for easy setting of the desired torque value,
as well as a secure grip of the tool handle clearly audible release signal comes in a round, screwable plastic box fine scale: 1.5 Nm trigger clockwise: yes trigger counter clockwise: no

Informaţii adiţionale

Informaţii adiţionale

SKU No ZB-2829
Manufacturer BGS-TECHNIC


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