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Tester pompa servodirectie-ZR-36PST-ZIMBER-TOOLS

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Tester pompa servodirectie-ZR-36PST-ZIMBER-TOOLS
Power Steering and Rack Tester.
Handy diagnostic tool for rack problems takes the guesswork out of power steering analysis quickly and accurately, by detecting defective power steering pumps and gears and kinked or clogged lines.
Quickly points out if trouble is in front suspension or steering linkage.
Includes most adapters needed to test domestic cars and light trucks and some imports.
Dual 2-1/2" easy-to-read gauge records pressure from 0-2,000 psi and 0-140 BAR.
Shipping Weight: 3.0Kg.

Availability: Epuizat(ă)

125,80 €

Descrierea produsului


Tester pompa servodirectie-ZR-36PST-ZIMBER-TOOLS 
Power Steering and Rack Tester.
Handy diagnostic tool for rack problems takes the guesswork out of power steering analysis quickly and accurately, by detecting defective power steering pumps and gears and kinked or clogged lines.
Quickly points out if trouble is in front suspension or steering linkage.
Includes most adapters needed to test domestic cars and light trucks and some imports.
Dual 2-1/2" easy-to-read gauge records pressure from 0-2,000 psi and 0-140 BAR.
Shipping Weight: 3.0Kg.

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