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Pentagon Socket Toyota and Lexus - 3/8in. Dr x 100mm, 4172 - Neilsen.

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Pentagon Socket Toyota and Lexus - 3/8in. Dr x 100mm . 4172 - Neilsen.
23mm Pentagon Socket.
Designed to release the spare wheels
from certain Toyota and Lexus vehicles.
23mm 5 point Pentagon Socket
3/8in.Dr / 100mm Long
Chrome Vanadium
Applicable to : Lexus SUV 2005 onwards
and Toyota Mini Van and SUV 2006 onwards

Availability: Epuizat(ă)

9,90 €
SKU No: ZN-4172

Descrierea produsului


Pentagon Socket - 3/8in. Dr x 100mm . 4172 - Neilsen.
23mm Pentagon Socket.
Designed to release the spare wheels
from certain Toyota and Lexus vehicles.
23mm 5 point Pentagon Socket
3/8in.Dr / 100mm Long
Chrome Vanadium
Applicable to : Lexus SUV 2005 onwards
and Toyota Mini Van and SUV 2006 onwards.

This 23mm pentagon socket is specifically designed to release the spare wheels from certain Toyota and Lexus models.
Lexus SUVs from 2005 on, and the Toyota Mini Van and SUV from 2006 on, have the spare wheel stowed under the rear floor area. To lower it down to gain access, a special socket is required to turn the mechanism from inside the vehicle; this special socket is often misplaced or lost, and replacing it with the Laser 6086 also allows a ratchet handle to be used, considerably speeding up the process.

Informaţii adiţionale

Informaţii adiţionale

SKU No ZN-4172
Manufacturer Nu


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