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Instrument pentru eliminarea arcurilor de supapa PSA Citroen, Peugeot - ZIMBER

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Instrument pentru eliminarea arcurilor de supapa - PSA Citroen,Peugeot, ZR-36ETTS112- ZIMBER TOOLS.

Valve Spring Compressor - PSA Citroen,Peugeot, ZR-36ETTS112- ZIMBER TOOLS.
The valve spring compressor is used to free the camshaft from tension created by contact with the valves and enables correct tension to be applied to the timing belt. For use on Citroën: Berlingo | AX | AX GTi | ZX | Xsara and Peugeot: 106 | 205 | 306 | 307 | 405 | Partner.
Additional Information
For use on Citroën: Berlingo | AX | AX GTi | ZX | Xsara and Peugeot: 106 | 205 | 306 | 307 | 405 | Partner with 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.4 | 1.6 engines.
OEM ref. 4533 T2/0132AE.

Availability: În inventar

63,60 €
SKU No: ZR-36ETTS112
63,60 €

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Descrierea produsului


Instrument pentru eliminarea arcurilor de supapa - PSA Citroen,Peugeot, ZR-36ETTS112- ZIMBER TOOLS.

Valve Spring Compressor - PSA Citroen,Peugeot, ZR-36ETTS112- ZIMBER TOOLS.
The valve spring compressor is used to free the camshaft from tension created by contact with the valves and enables correct tension to be applied to the timing belt. For use on Citroën: Berlingo | AX | AX GTi | ZX | Xsara and Peugeot: 106 | 205 | 306 | 307 | 405 | Partner.
Additional Information
For use on Citroën: Berlingo | AX | AX GTi | ZX | Xsara and Peugeot: 106 | 205 | 306 | 307 | 405 | Partner with 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.4 | 1.6 engines.
OEM ref. 4533 T2/0132AE.

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