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Dispozitiv reglare avans pentru motoare diesel - ZT-04A2236 - SMANN TOOLS
Dispozitiv reglare avans pentru motoare diesel la sisteme Bosch EP/VE, Kikki, Lucas CAV, Nippon Denso, Rotary, Rotodiesel Utilizabil la sisteme de dozare: Modele:VW, Audi ,Volvo 6 CYL 2.4L,după 1993 BMW. Cod motor: DE, MD, ME, MF, 1V, 1Z, AAB, AAZ, ACV, AHU, ALH, AWP, AWV, CS, CY. Bosch VE Fuel injection pump adapter and timing clock set - ZIMBER TOOLS. Tools are used for the setting of the Bosch diesel fuel injection pump timing. The Holder screws into the back of the injection pump, (used in conjunction with a Dial Indicator not included with this sale) giving a dial indicator reading necessary for setting the correct pump timing. Extension pins(2) making the timing easy to set, as the timing has a range from 0.83mm to 1.15mm. Indicator Holder Set suitable for timing Bosch VE injection pumps. Includes M8, M10 and M12 adapters. The two main pieces are approx. 8 x 1.0mm , The black adapter is 10 x 1.0, The silver adapter is 12 x 1.25 Applicable :Bosch diesel injection systems, e.g. VW and Audi engines: 1V, 1Z, AAB, AAZ, ACV, AHU, ALH, AWP, AWV, CS, CY, DE, MD, ME, MF. Volvo 1981-1986 6 cyl 2.4L diesels, Volvo Marine diesel (Penta), BMW diesel engines found in pre 1993, BMW diesel vehicles and BMW engines found in some RVs (Vixen), 1989-1994 Dodge 6 cyl 5.9L diesels