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Camshaft Drive Chain Wear Indicator BMW / Mini N12, N16, N18, N47 - ZR-36CDCWI - ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Camshaft Drive Chain Wear Indicator - BMW / Mini N12, N16, N18, N47 - ZR-36CDCW01 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Application: Mini Clubman, Club Van, Countryman, Coupe, Paceman and Roadster with 1.4 and 1.6lt engines.
Equivalent to OEM 2 353 281.
Used to measure the amount of Chain stretch without dismantling the whole engine. Also useful on equivalent PSA engines.
Engine codes: N12 B14AB, N12 B14, N12 816A, N16 816A, N16 816MO, N16 B16UO, N16 816A/MO, N16816KO, N18 816A,N18 816A/MO, N18B16C, N18B16A/MO,N18, N18 B16MO, N18 816C/TO

Availability: Epuizat(ă)

24,90 €

Descrierea produsului


Camshaft Drive Chain Wear Indicator BMW/Mini N12, N16, N18, N47 - ZR-36CDCW01 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Camshaft Drive Chain Wear Indicator allows the user to check the timing chain stretch on the BMW Mini petrol engines listed without dismantling the engine. An essential diagnostic tool that can save significant time and cost. Made up of 5 individual working components that are manufactured to work together to give a repeatable result every time. The need for close tolerances with minimum friction does make this tool appear to be expensive but the saving in time it can give in diagnosing and confirming chair wear issues can more than justify this expense. Comes ready assembled and will not need to be adjusted or disassembled in anyway.
Additional Information
Application: Mini Clubman, Club Van, Countryman, Coupe, Paceman and Roadster with 1.4 and 1.6lt engines.
Equivalent to OEM 2 353 281.
Used to measure the amount of Chain stretch without dismantling the whole engine. Also useful on equivalent PSA engines.
Engine codes: N12 B14AB, N12 B14, N12 816A, N16 816A, N16 816MO, N16 B16UO, N16 816A/MO, N16816KO, N18 816A,N18 816A/MO, N18B16C, N18B16A/MO,N18, N18 B16MO, N18 816C/TO.

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Manufacturer ZIMBER-TOOLS


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