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Cale distributie pentru motoare VAG 1.4lt CoD FSI, 4 - piese - ZT-04A2347 - SMANN TOOLS.

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Cale distributie pentru motoare VAG 1.4lt CoD FSI, 4 - piese - ZT-04A2347 - SMANN TOOLS. Camshaft timing tool set for VAG 4pcs - ZT-04A2347 - SMANN TOOLS.
This kit is for the latest generation FSI VAG petrol engines fitted to Audi, Seat, Volkswagen and Skoda models include the new 1.4lt CoD engine.
The CoD (Cylinder on Demand) feature is used in the modern turbocharged petrol engine that has a Cylinder Cut Off system which reduces from 4cylinders to 2 cylinders when cruising Giving better miles per gallon
Including: Audi: A1/A Sportback, A3 Sedan, A3 Cabrio, A3 Saloon, A3, A3 Sportback, Q3 Seat Leon, Leon ST, Ibiza, MII, Skoda Fabia S111 and Estate, Octavia 111, Yeti, Outdoor, Citigo
Volkswagen Golf V11, Golf V1 Cabrio, Up!, Jetta, Passat, Polo, Golf SV, Sportsvan, Golf V11, Estate

Availability: În inventar

29,90 €
SKU No: ZT-04A2347
29,90 €

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Descrierea produsului


Cale distributie pentru motoare VAG 1.4lt CoD FSI, 4 - piese - ZT-04A2347 - SMANN TOOLS. Camshaft timing tool set for VAG 4pcs - ZT-04A2347 - SMANN TOOLS.
This kit is for the latest generation FSI VAG petrol engines fitted to Audi, Seat, Volkswagen and Skoda models include the new 1.4lt CoD engine.
The CoD (Cylinder on Demand) feature is used in the modern turbocharged petrol engine that has a Cylinder Cut Off system which reduces from 4cylinders to 2 cylinders when cruising Giving better miles per gallon
Including: Audi: A1/A Sportback, A3 Sedan, A3 Cabrio, A3 Saloon, A3, A3 Sportback, Q3 Seat Leon, Leon ST, Ibiza, MII, Skoda Fabia S111 and Estate, Octavia 111, Yeti, Outdoor, Citigo
Volkswagen Golf V11, Golf V1 Cabrio, Up!, Jetta, Passat, Polo, Golf SV, Sportsvan, Golf V11, Estate

Informaţii adiţionale

Informaţii adiţionale

SKU No ZT-04A2347
Manufacturer SMANN TOOLS


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