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Dispozitiv pentru blocare fulie vibrochen motoare Honda & Acura, - ZT-04A4047 - SMANN TOOLS.

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Dispozitiv pentru blocare fulie vibrochen motoare Honda & Acura, - ZT-04A4047 - SMANN TOOLS.

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24,90 €
SKU No: ZT-04A4047

Descrierea produsului


Dispozitiv pentru blocare fulie vibrochen motoare Honda & Acura, - ZT-04A4047 - SMANN TOOLS.


Honda & Acura Harmonic Damper Pulley Puller Holder

This tool is made to properly secure the pulley from rotating during R & R of crank bolt.
It can break loose the crank shaft pulley / harmonic balancer bolt.
Then the 50mm hex head armature slips past the tightest of spaces and slides properly into the center slot on the pulley.
Lastly, slide the long bar onto the receiving end of the armature and lock it into position with the securing bolt!
Break loose the crank shaft pulley/harmonic balancer bolt. the 50mm hex head armature slips past the lightest of spaces and slides right into the center slot on the pulley.
Then slide the long bar onto the receiving end of the armature. and lock it into position with the securing bolt.
Honda: Acura:
Accord: Insight: CL:
2.2L 4 Cyl (1990-1997) 1.0L 3 Cyl (all) 2.2L 4 Cyl (1997)
2.7L 6 Cyl (1996-1996) Odysey: 2.3L 4 Cyl (1998-1999)
2.3L 4 Cyl (1998-2002) 2.2L 4 Cyl (1995-1997) 3.0L 4 Cyl (1998+)
2.4L 4 Cyl (2003+) 2.3L 4 Cyl (1998) Integra:
3.0L V6 (1998+) 3.5L V6 (1999+) 1.6L 4 Cyl (1990-1992)
Civic: Prelude: 1.7L 4 Cyl (1992-1993)
1.6L 4 Cyl (1992+2000) 2.2L 4 Cyl (1992-2001) 1.8L 4 Cyl (1993-2001)
1.7L 4 Cyl (2001+) 2.3L 4 cylinder 92-96 NSX:
2.0L 4 Cyl (2003+) S2000: 3.0L V6 (1991+) - Does not fit all engine
CRV: 2.0L 4 Cyl (2000-2003) 3.2L V6 (1998+)
2.0L 4 Cyl (1997+2001) 2.2L 4 Cyl (2004+) RL:
2.4L 4 Cyl (2002+) 3.5L V6 (1996+)
Delsol: TL:
4 Cyl (1993-1997) 3.2L V6 (1995+)
Pilot: Legend:
3.5L V-6 (2003+) 3.2L V6 (1996+)
2.4L 4 Cyl (2003+)
3.5L V-6 (2006+)

Informaţii adiţionale

Informaţii adiţionale

SKU No ZT-04A4047
Manufacturer SMANN TOOLS


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