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Cooling Liquid Funnel Set | 12 pcs. - 70000 -BGS-technic.

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Cooling Liquid Funnel Set | 12 pcs. - 70000 -BGS-technic.
suitable for cooling liquid, engine oil and windscreen washing fluid
a special mechanism avoids bubbles and allows the liquid to flow off evenly
large transparent funnel with measuring scale
incl. adaptors and reducing parts suitable for a lot of different vehicles
for working on hard to reach areas with help of extensions
with lockable cask cover to protect incoming dust and dirt particles
material: polypropylen (PP) - plastic (TPR)
Technical data
Gross weight 648 g
Colour Transparent
Load capacity 1,6 l

Availability: În inventar

22,90 €
SKU No: 70000
22,90 €

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Descrierea produsului


Cooling Liquid Funnel Set | 12 pcs. - 70000 -BGS-technic.
suitable for cooling liquid, engine oil and windscreen washing fluid
a special mechanism avoids bubbles and allows the liquid to flow off evenly
large transparent funnel with measuring scale
incl. adaptors and reducing parts suitable for a lot of different vehicles
for working on hard to reach areas with help of extensions
with lockable cask cover to protect incoming dust and dirt particles
material: polypropylen (PP) - plastic (TPR)
Technical data
Gross weight 648 g
Colour Transparent
Load capacity 1,6 l

Informaţii adiţionale

Informaţii adiţionale

SKU No 70000
Manufacturer BGS-TECHNIC


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