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Presa Pivoti 20mm- ZR-36PBJ01- ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Presa Pivoti 20mm - ZR-36PBJ01- ZIMBER TOOLS..
High quality universal ball joint and tie/track rod end splitter/lifter with a max. opening capacity of 50 mm.
For removing the ball pivots on steering arms, tie rods, steering knuckles etc.
High quality extra fine steel bolt with high torque helps to split the joint easily.
Slotted indents into the ball joint remover gives the user easy slide action and the large handle allows the user to have firm grip allowing extra control.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel for strength and durability.
Chrome plated for rust and erosion resistance.
Jaw capacity: 20mm
Maximum reach: 50mm

Availability: Epuizat(ă)

22,98 €
SKU No: ZR-36PBJ01

Descrierea produsului


Presa Pivoti 20mm - ZR-36PBJ01- ZIMBER TOOLS..
High quality universal ball joint and tie/track rod end splitter/lifter with a max. opening capacity of 50 mm.
For removing the ball pivots on steering arms, tie rods, steering knuckles etc.
High quality extra fine steel bolt with high torque helps to split the joint easily.
Slotted indents into the ball joint remover gives the user easy slide action and the large handle allows the user to have firm grip allowing extra control.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel for strength and durability.
Chrome plated for rust and erosion resistance.
Jaw capacity: 20mm
Maximum reach: 50mm

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Manufacturer ZIMBER-TOOLS


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